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Spring Culture Festival “India-Russia-the Roerichs” closes in Naggar

Thus, the festival “India – Russia – the Roerichs” closed with a wonderful programme prepared by the Russian guests of the IRMT, which proved both pleasant and educative for Indian children. And the bridge of Indo-Russian friendship was strengthened with one more solid brick.

Comparing the Kirlian photography with the picturesque snaps of galaxies, planets and luminaries Mrs. Tarasova led the children to the idea that we all are children of Space: we live in Space and Space lives in us.

Inspired by the striking photographs of human aura and extraterrestrial worlds the Indian children expressed in their works their vision and experience of the interconnection between man and Space. Their works were solemnly handed over to the ICR volunteers’ delegation for transfer to Moscow.

And that was precisely the theme of the international children’s painting competition that took place on that festive day among the students of the Helena Roerich Academy of Arts.

May 7, 2017 was the closing day of the Spring Culture Festival in the Himalayan Roerich Estate “India – Russia – the Roerichs”. The day was marked by a number of activities and games conducted by a group of Russian and Belorussian volunteers from the International Centre of the Roerichs, Moscow (ICR), for the students of the Helena Roerich Academy of Arts for Children managed by the International Roerich Memorial Trust, Naggar.

The day opened with the slide show on the Kirlian photography. The doctor, diagnostician and corrector of human fields Mrs. Marina N. Tarasova (Kurgan, Russia) told the young audience about the remarkable discovery by Mr. and Mrs. Kirlian allowing to measure and record the radiation of animate and inanimate objects and illustrating the radiation of nature objects in high frequency discharges. The children of Naggar and surrounding villages saw the breathtakingly beautiful Kirlian pictures of flowers and leaves, and were shown the images of human aura.

The contest was jointly organized by the Helena Roerich Charitable Fund, the International Centre of the Roerichs, Moscow, the Svetoslav Roerich International Council of Roerich Organizations with the support of Russian Academy of Arts, the International Association of Peace Foundations, the Russian Cosmonautics Museums Association, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), and several other Russian educational and cultural organizations. The objective of the competition was to elicit children’s ideas and perceptions of Space and man’s deep connection with the planet and Universe.

The master classes organized by the Russian guests caused particular interest of the Academy students.

First, the children were asked to make airplanes from paper, colour them and inscribe them with their name and address. This done, they were asked to launch them and those whose airplanes flew the longest distance were considered the winners. Now their airplanes would “fly” to Moscow where Russian children would receive them and possibly become the pen pals of their young creators strengthening the bonds of Indo-Russian friendship.

Next, under the supervision of Russian teachers the children made hearts out of color paper. Each participant made three hearts: one for themselves and their families, one to make a garland and one to be sent to Russia as a gift to Russian children.

On the completion of the festival, each participant of the programme received souvenir and sweets, while the winners got special prizes.

Lastly, boys were invited to display their physical strength. The sport part of the programme consisted of two events: pushup competition and pillow fight. Quite unexpectedly, and rather enthusiastically, girls joined the competition. It goes without saying that pillow fight left not a single participant or spectator indifferent.

Mrs. Tarasova also spoke about the use of the Kirlian method in modern applied science particularly in medicine, and mentioned that it was highly appreciated by the Roerichs as harbinger of the new understanding of energy and matter and bridging the gap between the visible and invisible worlds.